Areas of action of the IntoTheLight Foundation

Support of Alternative and Divine Healing Methods and Establishment of a Divine Healing School. Introduction of Medbeds and creation of Healing Centers.
Introduction of a Vegan Restaurant and Food Store Chain including organic farming and production of healthy and affordable Vegan Food.
Introduction and support of clean, renewable and sustainable energy sources for production, housing and transportation.
Development of into a enlightening, honest and positive News Information Network which brings the Truth and positive and enlightening News to Humanity including publishing of enlightening print and online media and books.
Establishment of Nature Retreats for Humanity to find again our connection to Mother Earth and the different Nature Kingdoms.
Support for production and introduction of modern cleaning technologies for water, air and ground for the healing of Mother Earth.
Support of the Animal Kingdom with healing, shelter and protection.
Introduction and Support of an alternative Schooling System for the Children and Adults in order to teach the real Wonders and Truths of this wonderful world.
Support of the Homeless and Poor with Housing, Food and Training so they can be reintegrated into normal Life.

Funding of the IntoTheLight Foundation


The funding for all the above projects is in the works by the Universe. The actions will start at the divine right time.

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